Groupwork and Workshops

"Belonging" Groupwork
Are you yearning for something more fulfilling in life? Do you sense a void that needs to be filled?
If you're just starting your journey of self-discovery, we invite you to join our 12-week group program. This transformative experience is designed to facilitate healing and self-understanding, guiding you towards finding your true direction and enhancing your sense of belonging.
Through weekly sessions, held for 2 hours each at an affordable rate of $20 per week, you'll embark on a journey of personal growth and empowerment. Explore your innermost self, overcome the need for external validation, and fortify your personal values and integrity. It's time to step into your authenticity and embrace the fullness of who you are.
"Discover Your True Identity" Groupwork
For those already journeying along the path of self-discovery, our discovery group offers an opportunity to delve deeper into your abilities and potential.
By delving into the realm of communication and personality types, you'll uncover strengths and insights that may have previously gone unnoticed or undervalued.
Through the utilization of diverse readings, tools, and techniques, you'll unlock the doors to your unconscious mind. This journey will not only enhance your understanding of yourself but also of others, allowing you to embrace and celebrate your insights and sensitivities with pride and freedom. It's time to fully embrace your unique gifts and unleash your true potential.
The Groupwork Program
Connecting with the Real You Profile (1 hour one on one with Pamela)
Weekly Group Meeting x 2 weeks (2 hrs per week)
Blockage Profile (1 hour one on one with Pamela)
Weekly Group Meeting x 2 weeks (2 hrs per week)
Glandular/Chakra blockage Profile (1 hour one on one with Pamela)
Weekly Group Meeting x 4 weeks (2 hrs per week)
About the Courses
Course: Expansion into Soul Consciousness.
Reconnect with your inner wisdom and unearth your true essence by delving into the intricacies of your physical and spiritual existence.
Rediscover a sense of unity with the universe by tapping into the innocent, pure-hearted aspect of your being.
Explore transformative techniques aimed at deepening your understanding of your authentic self.
Embrace a fresh perspective of yourself as a soul evolving within the grand classroom of life. Reflect on your life's purpose and chart a course towards its fulfillment.
Course: Directing Life Energy behind my Goals
Re-evaluate your notions of possessions, desires, allegiances, and leadership to elevate your consciousness to a more abundant state.
Embrace the significance of residing in the present moment as you cultivate the ability to define your aspirations and assess your leadership capabilities independently.
Discover the power of decision-making as a gateway to manifesting your desires.
Unravel the utilization of your spiritual faculties of intuition and empathy to direct your energy towards your goals.
Course 515: Energy Dynamics Workshop
Unlock the immense vitality and resilience of your emotional self, and explore tangible methods for maintaining a positive energy flow, steadfastly aimed at achieving your objectives.
Seize control of your circumstances by honing your focus and enhancing your intuitive awareness through engaging in dynamic techniques.
Discover an inner equilibrium between thought and emotion while expanding your ability to communicate effectively with expert guidance.

Additional Groupwork and Workshops available
Once you have completed the "Discover Your True Identity" Groupwork, many people would like to continue on their journey of self discovery. We recommend the following
Dimensions of my Past, Present and Future Groupwork
14 weekly group sessions (2 hours per session) plus 2 courses
Groupwork Courses:
Spiritual Guidance and Inner Direction
Accomplishment through Personal Initiative
Pre-requisite: Discovering Your True Identity Groupwork