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Image by Simon Wilkes

"Exploring Your Inner Spiritual Freedom"

Special Event

As we search for fulfillment we surround ourselves with material things, looking for fulfillment and a sense of worth.  Day after day exchanging our freedom for temporary comfort.


Surrounded by the world of material matter, we are taught to believe that the emptiness we feel inside can be fulfilled with accumulation of goods.   Our mind comes with countless excuses to justify our actions.  Nevertheless as the time passes by the emptiness inside grows and the next acquisition creates only a temporary fulfillment. 


Our mind like a monkey, jumping from one thought to the other searching for instant gratification, only to find that it isn’t enough, we desperately hope fulfillment is just around the corner, in the next accumulation experience.


When we realise that this is an unfulfilling exercise, it is not uncommon for people to come to anger or a sense of hopelessness.  This realisation can be enough to change the trajectory of their life.  Awakening from the imaginary life to a life that the solution is no longer in the future, it is in the present and that fulfillment is within.


Awaken to your Pathway to Inner Freedom by participating in the "Exploring Your Spiritual Freedom" Workshops which are being presented by International Entrepreneur Tiger Coll.


Tiger Coll specializes in Personal and Metaphysical Development and helps people to awaken and grow into their true potential.   Tiger is the CEO of Wayshowers College. 


Based in Iowa USA, Tiger presents seminars and workshops worldwide.  Tiger is currently presenting seminars and workshops throughout Australia and New Zealand and will  be presenting the "Exploring Your Inner Spiritual Freedom" Seminar and Workshops at Watsonia Library Meeting Room on the 1st and 2nd September 2023 (times and details below).




Water Shrine Landscape

"Exploring Your Inner Spiritual Freedom "

Are you living in freedom or fear?


Is your life guided by joyful inspiration or do you feel stuck or isolated?


Do you trust your inner sensitivity or are you scared to take steps in new directions?


Francisco David Coll (who we know as Tiger) in association with Wayshowers College and Inner Peace Movement International, is presenting Workshops in Australia and New Zealand to help people discover their true potential.


The "Explorinig Your Inner Spiritual Freedom" workshops are broken down into two parts.


Introductory Seminar (1 hour): In this seminar you will learn to understand the big picture of your journey and the tools you have

available with to help you on your journey. 


Workshop 1:  (3 ½ hours):  This workshop will expand your concepts of who you really are. You will learn how to connect with your inner self/guidance and understanding your personal motivations.

Workshop 2:  (3 hours)  Building on workshop 1,  you will discover your “niche” in life and learn to direct your energy for success and the many life choices available to you. You will learn techniques to help you clear your energy, heal concepts and expand your personal freedom. 


At the end of these workshops, you will come away with tools you can use in your daily life to become the author of your life.


Register Now for these life changing workshops




Watsonia Library Meeting Room

4/6 Ibbottson St, Watsonia


Dates and Times


Friday 1st September 2023


10 am                   1 hour Seminar & 3 hour Spiritual Freedom Workshop Part 1

6 pm                     1 hour Seminar & 3 hour Spiritual Freedom Workshop Part 1


Sunday 3rd September 2023


10 am                  1 hour Seminar & 3 hour Spiritual Freedom workshop Part 1

2 pm                   3 hour Spiritual Freedom workshop Part 2




1 hour seminar                                                                                                       $20

Part 1: 3 hour Spiritual Freedom Workshop Part 1                                         $80

or Special Package Price:

1 hour seminar & 3 hour Spiritual Freedom Workshop Part 1                       $90


Part 2:   3 hour Spiritual Freedom Workshop Part 2                                      $90


Image by John Bakator

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