Spiritual Freedom Series
Awaken Groupwork - Facet 1
Meet with like minded people to explore the concepts and techniques from the workshops at a deeper level. This is where you will really see change unfolding in your life.
The Spiritual Freedom Series is a personal growth program to discover your unique life purpose with tools to become a master of your energy. You will dive more deeply into what you really need and want in your adventure on Planet Earth. You will learn to utilize your inner leadership, guidance, spiritual gifts and your innate abilities. As you begin to heal limiting concepts you develop a strong inner pivot point and become the positive force that you really are.
Group Work Procedure:
Keyword and goal – for what you would like to learn this week
Meditation – compact your energy
Insights – from the group manual
Questions – to stimulate deeper insights
Techniques – to balance the conscious (thinking) mind with the unconscious (feeling) mind
Regrouping – what did you experience and learn
Outflow – healing techniques
Direction – set your energy for the upcoming week
Group Work Format:
Lesson 1: The big picture
Lesson 2: Energy
Profile: Gifts and Guidance
Lesson 3: Learning and growing
Lesson 4: Your purpose and plan
Lesson 5: A whole new perspective
Course: Discovering My Inner Pivot Point – 3 hours
Lesson 6: Your personal thrust
Profile: 7004 Inner Guidance and My Spiritual Thrust
Lesson 7: You and your guidance
Lesson 8: Freedom
Lesson 9: A breath at a time
Lesson 10: Your tools and opportunities
Profile: 1002A Blockage Discovery
Course: Your Path: The Source of Life’s Fulfilment – 3 hours
Lessons - 2 hours per week
Profiles: Gifts and Guidance $130, Inner Guidance and My Spiritual Thrust $230
Courses: $80 per course
Pre-requisite: Inner Freedom Lecture and Workshops I and II
Register: Groups will be set up at the Workshops. If you have not attended a workshop, please contact us at office@personalfreedom.com.au to express your interest in joining a group.
Location: Groups will be set up in locations to suit those who want to be involved.

The Spiritual Freedom Series is brought to you by Freedom Within, in affiliation with Wayshowers College.

For further information on Wayshowers College please go to www.wayshowerscollege.com