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Image by Chelsea Gates

About Us

You are the author of your story

Why is "Freedom Within" different?

Practical support, uniquely tailored to you

It may sound cliche, but it is undoubtedly true that no two people are the same. That’s why I use endless combinations of practical tools and strategies to help you to understand yourself and find lasting solutions to the challenges you’re facing.


An honest and undeterrable helping hand

My experience has shown me that no hurdle is insurmountable. Every challenge can be overcome, regardless of how dire your situation may be. And I’m here to help you do it. But that doesn’t mean it will be easy. My approach is all about honest communication so I’ll never hide behind big words or conceal hard truths from you.

A holistic approach to your health and happiness


I provide a deep and well rounded approach to dealing with the personal and professional challenges of daily life – because fulfilment in one aspect of life at the expense of another isn’t the best you can hope for.

An experienced and approachable professional in your corner


With over 30 years of counselling experience, coupled with my own life experience (you can read more about this below), I’ve seen just about everything, so I’m certainly not here to judge you. I am here to help you find your path forward, using creative and lateral solutions – not a simplistic cookie cutter approach.


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Get to know "Freedom Within" Founder, Pamela England.

Because of a fractured childhood, I spent my 20’s hiding my true self. I can recall the emptiness I felt, as though something was always missing. From the outside looking in, I thought no one could tell. People always thought I was strong, capable and secure within myself.

No matter what I did, including taking various substances and going from partner to partner, that emptiness would not go away.


Then I had one of the biggest light bulb moments of my life.


Someone shared with me that we – as human beings – don’t communicate or interpret information in the same way. In fact, there are four unique styles of communication amongst human beings, which define how each of us best understand and communicate in our daily lives.


I also discovered the difference between true feelings and emotions, and learnt that we process things through feelings, which lead to thoughts that we then put into action. Feel, Think, Act, not the other way around – Think, Feel, Act – as society commonly tells us.


Hearing and understanding this information was like someone had opened up the door and let the sun into my life. Over time I learnt to trust myself, believe in my wisdom, and share my kindness.

I also realised that I believed my life controlled me; controlled how I felt, thought and acted. When I learnt that I control my life, and that deep down I both know and understand what I really need and want, life started to make a whole lot more sense.


I used to squash my feelings of kindness, empathy and desire to share, worried that people would find me weak. Now I welcome my kindness and willingness to share openly, and use these traits to help both myself and others.

© Freedom Within

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